This is my Frida Shrine. As I was dismantling my kitchen, I took it down and realized I hadn't dusted it in quite a while, which, when you burn wood for heat like we do, equals quite a lot of dust after a few years! So I shined it up and did a little repair or two and realized I should have done it a lot sooner. The shrine is something I did a while back, I think it was for participation in a Cinco de Mayo show or something, but I never put it in because I decided not to sell it. I don't have enough time to really discuss my thoughts about Frida Kahlo. But I will say that her art, and her story greatly affected me, and helped shape me as an artist. So I thought I'd share the prayer I wrote on the back of this shrine.
Let her suffer no more
Love her as the masses now do
Grant her soul the peace
that it never had upon this earth
Grant her soul the awareness
of an endless feast
of joy and beauty
Grant her soul long life
in the hills of heaven
Sleep Frida Sleep